End-User License Agreement IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY This End-User License Agreement (“License Agreement”) constitutes a legal agreement between you and Peter Whalan (the “Licensor”), the creator of the software entitled ScriptedMath (the “Software Product”). For the purposes of this License Agreement, no web page is part of the Software Product. By using, downloading, receiving, installing or copying the Software Product you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you must delete all copies of the Software Product in your possession and never install, use or copy the Software Product. This License Agreement shall supersede any verbal, or prior written, statement or agreement to the contrary. 1. LICENSE GRANT All provisions that are not in section 1. LICENSE GRANT (this section) shall supersede provisions that are in said section. This agreement entitles you to use the Software Product on, any computer or calculator capable of running the Software Product, (“Capable Device”) provided that the Software Product is installed on said Capable Device. The immediately preceding sentence does not imply permission to copy or put the Software Product onto the Capable Device’s memory. The Software Product may be copied from one, computer or calculator, (the “Source Computer”) to another, computer or calculator, (the “Destination Computer”) provided that it is the Source Computer that initiates the copying. In the event of the Destination Computer requesting the Software Product from the Source Computer, copying of the Software Product must not occur. The immediately preceding sentence does not prohibit the downloading of the Software Product from websites that are owned and controlled by the Licensor, and this is permitted. Before the Software Product is copied onto another person’s computer or calculator, that person must read and agree to this License Agreement. 2. RESTRICTIONS You must not put this Software Product on any website. You must not put this Software Product on any computer which allows any person to retrieve the Software Product remotely. You must not charge any person a fee for providing them with the Software Product. You are not permitted to decompile, “reverse-engineer”, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software Product. You are not permitted to modify the Software Product or create any derivative work of the Software Product. You are not permitted to make a translation of the Software Product. 3. OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT The Software Product is protected under copyright law and international treaties. The Software Product is licensed and not sold, to you. The Licensor retains intellectual property rights in the Software Product. Any rights not expressly granted to you in this License Agreement are reserved by the Licensor. Rights other than those given to you in this License Agreement can only be obtained by getting written consent from the Licensor. 4. NO WARRANTY The Software Product is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind. You accept all risk that comes with using the Software Product. The Licensor is not liable for any loss or damages incurred through the use of the Software Product. The Licensor makes no guarantees that the Software Product will work correctly or as described in any documentation. It is your responsibility to determine whether the Software Product is suitable for the ways in which you intend to use it. 5. SEVERABILITY If any provision in this License Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of the License Agreement shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If any provision in this License agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, but by limiting such a provision it would become valid or enforceable, then such a provision shall be deemed written, interpreted and enforced as so limited. © Peter Whalan 2014 29 June 2014